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Pirbright Parish Council

Pirbright Parish Council

Parish Councils are the first tier of Local Government and have overall responsibility for the well-being of the local community. 

Work falls into four main categories:

  • Representing the local community
  • Delivering services to meet local needs
  • Striving to improve quality of life in the parish
  • Caring for the village green and playing fields

If you would like to find out more about becoming a Councillor, please contact the Clerk. New Councillors are given training via the SALC (Surrey Association of Local Councils). This training will inform you on all aspects of the role and will cover:

Local Government Finance for Councillors
Roles and Responsibilities of Councillors 
Governance and Compliance 
Councillors: Powers and Duties
Community Advocacy and Engagement 

These courses will be arranged for you by the Clerk and will be paid for by the Parish Council. 

All new Councillor (or prospective Councillors) are encouraged to read The Good Councillor's Guide which is produced by NALC (National Association of Local Councils). 


Phone:  07485 411214


Guildford Borough Council

Borough Councils are responsible for:

  • Collection of council tax and non-domestic rates
  • Environmental health
  • Housing
  • Local plans and planning applications
  • Waste collection


Phone: 01483 505050


Cllr David Bilbe

Borough Councillor for Pirbright

Surrey County Council

County Councils are responsible for:

  • Birth, marriage and death registration
  • Education
  • Fire
  • Highways – including on-street parking, traffic management, and street lighting
  • Libraries
  • Recreation, arts and museums
  • Social care
  • Strategic planning
  • Trading standards
  • Transport
  • Waste disposal

Phone: 03456 009 009


Cllr Keith Witham

County Councillor

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