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Pirbright Parish Council

PPC Governance

Annual Governance & Accounts Return

Every year the Parish Council prepares a report on its Governance & Accounts in an Annual Return (AGAR) to be submitted for External Audit.

Voters in the Parish have the right to view the Annual Return for 2023-2024 as explained by clicking here. The Annual Governance Statement Section 1 and the Accounting Statement Section 2 were approved at full Council on 07/05/24 and can be found below. 

The Notice of Conclusion of Internal Audit 2023-2024 can be found below. The Audit was completed following rigorous inspection by an Independent Internal Auditor and the Internal Auditor's Report 2023-2024 can be found below.

The Annual Return (April 2023 - March 2024) has been sent to the External Auditors.

As part of the audit process, the Responsible Financial Officer is also required to produce a list of Variances to explain the differences in receipts and payments from the previous year and a copy of this document can be found below.



Parish Councils are required to discharge their duties and powers within the law and according to their governance policies on the conduct of meetings and financial matters.  These policies are reviewed annually and updated when appropriate.  

Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited AGAR 2023-2024

PPC Governance Notice of Conclusion of Internal Audit 2023-2024

PPC Governance Internal Auditor's Report 2023-2024

PPC Governance Annual Governance Statement Section 1, 2023-2024

PPC Governance Accounting Statement Section 2, 2023-2024

PPC Governance External Auditor's Report Section 3, 2023-2024 - will be uploaded when received from External Auditor

PPC Governance Explanation of Variances April 2023 - March 2024

PPC Banners on the Green Policy 2024

PPC Banner Application Form 2024

PPC Busking Guidance

PPC Civility & Respect Pledge Certificate

PPC Code of Conduct

PPC Community Engagement Policy

PPC Complaints Policy

PPC Data Protection Policy 2024

PPC Dignity at Work Policy 2023

PPC Emergency Plan 2023

PPC Equality & Diversity Policy 2023

PPC Financial Regulations 2024-2025

PPC Fixed Asset Register 2022-2023

PPC Freedom of Information 2022 - 2024

PPC Grant Awarding Policy

PPC Grant Awarding Application Form

PPC Health & Safety Policy 2023

PPC Health & Safety Policy - Voluntary Helpers/Members of the Public 2023

PPC Hiring of the Green Agreement 2023-2024

PPC Memorial Bench & Memorial Tree Policy

PPC Parking on the Little Green Application Form

PPC Publication Scheme 2022 - 2024

PPC Risk Management Policy 2024 - 2025

PPC Risk Schedule 2024 - 2025

PPC Standing Orders 2024-2025

PPC Statement of Internal Control 2023-2024

PPC Training & Development Policy



2020-21 AGAR

2020-21 AGAR Section 1

2020-21 AGAR Section 2

2020-21 AGAR Section 3

2020-21 AGAR Variances

2020-21 AGAR Internal Auditor's Report

2020-21 AGAR Notice of Public Rights

2020-21 AGAR Notice of Conclusion of Audit

2021-22 AGAR

2021-22 AGAR Section 1

2021-22 AGAR Section 2

2021-22 AGAR Section 3

2021-22 AGAR Variances

2021-22 AGAR Internal Auditor's Report

2021-22 AGAR Notice of Public Rights

2021-22 AGAR Notice of Conclusion of Audit

2022 - 23 AGAR

2022-23 AGAR Section 1

2022-23 AGAR Section 2

2022-23 AGAR Section 3

2022-23 AGAR Variances

2022-23 AGAR Internal Auditor's Report

2022-23 Notice of Public Rights

2022-23 Notice of Conclusion of Audit


Parish Councillors are required to complete a Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on taking their seats on the Council.

These can be found by clicking on the names below:

Cllr P. Austin

Cllr S. Fidgett

Cllr. L. Graham

Cllr N. Sands

Cllr S. Small

Cllr M. Watson

Cllr D. Woollett

This website does not collect or store any data.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The new regulations were enacted in May and are now in force.  All organisations, large and small, are required to comply with the basic rules involving use of details held about residents and others.  Essentially these rules include:

  • We must inform all current contacts of their rights about what we do with their data.
  • We must keep this data stored safely so that a third party cannot access it.
  • We must not pass on your data to a third party without your express permission. If you email us with a query that has to be referred to a third party, we will either contact you for consent or redact your surname, email address and any other details that can identify you.
  • We must delete your data within 30 days if you request it. You also have the right to correct personal data or “be forgotten”.
  • The data that we currently hold is solely for us to contact, inform or respond to you about Parish or LPH business.

This data consists of:

  • Your name.
  • Your postal address.
  • Your email address.
  • Your landline and/or your mobile phone number.

No other personal data is recorded. 

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