Local Road Closures / Parking Restrictions in and around Pirbright
A live map of Surrey CC's road closures can be found here: Roadworks - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)
Pirbright Closures:
1. Dawney Hill, Pirbright. For pedestrian improvements to Pirbright Arch - ROAD CLOSED - 17th February - 22nd February
2. Dawney Hill, Pirbright. 23rd February - 21st March 4 way temporary traffic lights.
This Order is required to facilitate highways improvement and/or maintenance/ and /or pedestrian phased traffic signal works for, or on behalf of Surrey County Council. Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Any vehicle found to be obstructing the highway during these works will be removed to outside the limits of the works after all reasonable methods have been undertaken to identify and contact the vehicle's owner. Access for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times, as will access for emergency service vehicles in an emergency situation only. Vehicular access for residents and businesses will be maintained via the diversion route. No sole access is affected by this closure.
(i) that length of Dawney Hill (A324) Pirbright as extends from its junction with (B3012) Gole Road to its junction with (A324) Connaught Road and (D44) Bisley Camp Road.
(ii) the northern carriageway of Bisley Camp Road (D44) Pirbright as extends from its junction with (A324) Dawney Hill and for a distance of 34 metres in a northerly direction.
(iii) that length of Connaught Road (A324) Pirbright as extends from its junction with (A324) Dawney Hill and for a distance of 29 metres in a north easterly direction.
Alternative Route: (A324) Dawney Hill, (A324) The Green, (A324) Guildford Road, (B3032) Guildford Road, (B380) Fox Corner, (A322) Bagshot Road, and (A324) Connaught Road, or this route in reverse.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email works.communication@surreycc.gov.uk.