Stoney Castle - Pirbright Parish Council's Open Statement
Added at 16:23 on 17 February 2022
Stoney Castle
Pirbright Parish Council does not support the proposal by the owner and manager of the land adjacent to Stoney Castle as a possible transit site for gypsy and travellers. The Parish Council is aware of comments in the press but has not been consulted over any such proposals or planning application. The Council considers that as the site is within the Green Belt and is within 400m of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, any proposal would likely be subject to national planning policies which strictly control inappropriate development. Such a facility would likely conflict with the relevant national planning policies and those of the Guildford Borough Local Plan. The land does not, in the Parish Council’s view, constitute previously developed land. Its former use did not have planning permission and was subject to enforcement action by both Guildford Borough Council and Surrey County Council and has now successfully been brought to an end.